Diary of an ordinary Woman

Expressing thoughts that I believed I could never write on a piece of paper.

Day 14 of thoughts

There is so much difference between living a life and just spending it.

Living a life makes you happy at times but sad at times too. You want sometime alone and sometime with your close friends and family too.

Why ?

You can do both with your free will .

You wanna grow and focus on your work ,that, no doubt ,will give you positivity but at the same time can make you feel frustated too.But this would be based on your own decisions.

Spending your life takes away a lot of things . Your life’s future was never your decision . You were not allowed to follow your goals or decide with whom you want to spend life together in the name of love. And now you are just stuck with people you donot trust .

But still you need to live you know .

There is no choice .

Its like living but not being able to survive at the same time.

So which life do you think is better ?..

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